I recently spent some time with a very meaningful tree at Tompkins Square Park in New York City. In 1966, under this same tree, my grandfather guru, Srila Prabhupada, first shared the teachings of bhakti yoga in the western world.
After spending some time with the tree meditating on my gratitude I wrote this poem:
Everyone has a choice
When faced with life’s turmoil
To retreat and recoil,
Or stand bravely and raise their voice
Calling out to the Supreme Source
Saying O Lord, I am Yours!
Please empower me to endure,
And guide me on the right course
To become strong-willed,
A vessel of service and love,
Always remaining above
Selfish urges, and surfing the waves of life with skill.
In purpose, let me remain resolute;
Following in the footsteps of the great souls,
Imbibing their instructions in pursuit of the ultimate goal,
And endeavoring with patience, enthusiasm, and confidence along the route.