“Spiritual cultivation is the main object of life. Do everything that helps it and abstain from everything that thwarts the cultivation of the spirit.” -Bhaktivinoda Thakur
According to the yoga wisdom literatures the objective goal of life that we all share is to attain a state of self-realization… In other words, to understand ourselves on the deepest level and to understand our connection and relationship with the Divine.
Bhakti yoga is often compared to a process of cleansing the mirror of the heart so that we can gradually get clearer and clearer glimpses of our true nature as souls. Activities, habits, thought patterns, etc. that are harmful to ourselves and others only add to the accumulation of dust on the mirror of the heart and further isolate us from our true selves. In turn, this inhibits our ability to connect with others on a deep level and to practice selfless service, which is what truly fulfills the heart.
Therefore, the great saint Bhaktivinoda Thakur reccomends to always strive to live in such a way that spiritual cultivation is our central focus. We do this NOT by abandoning or neglecting our material duties, but by facilitating our consciousness in such a way as to dovetail our activities as an offering to our Divine Source. This mood of service is developed and nourished by practices of spiritual cultivation like kirtan (chanting), japa (personal mantra meditation), reading sacred wisdom texts, and associating with like minded individuals who are also pursuing and actualizing spiritual values. If you want to see an example of true embodiment of this process, look up stories about this incredible saint!
Ask me a question or share a reflection and let’s connect!
Yours in service,
DK dasa (Dan Taylor)